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What is Bonus Act? Is it mandatory?
The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, gives to the employees a statutory right to a share in the profits of his employer....
Is Bonus Act applicable to all the employees?
No, it is to be noted that employees drawing salary or wage exceeding....
Which establishments are covered?
The Act is applicable, in the first instance, to all factories other than seasonal factories.....
Cinema Theatre, having less than 20 employee excluding security guards engaged through outside agency?
The Security Guards came within the definition of employees under Section 2(9) of the Act....
Casual Workers employed for the maintenance of an establishment?
Once the establishment is covered by the Act, the employer is liable to pay contribution in respect of the employees ...
In which of the sectors, the Gratuity Act applies?
The act provides for the payment of gratuity to workers employed in every factory, shop & Establishments....
What is the applicability criterion for Gratuity?
All the employees irrespective of status or salary are entitled to the payment of...
Leave Encashment Taxable?
Maximum exemption of Rs. 3, 00,000 have been provided u/s 10(10AA) of the I T Act ....

What is the meaning of Salary & Average Salary?
Salary means Basic, D.A & fixed % of turnover as commission. Average salary means....
What If you receive Leave Encashment from more than one employer?
The proviso to section 10(10AA) provides as under Provided further that where any such payment or payments....
What is MLWF Act?
An Act to provide for the constitution of a fund for the financing of activities to Promote....
What is the Applicability of MLWF Act?
Every Employee, including employee through contractor, but not a managerial capacity or....
What is the object of Maternity Act?
To protect the dignity of motherhood and the dignity of a new person's birth by....
What is the coverage area of the Act?
Upon all women employees either employed directly or through contractor....
What are the conditions for eligibility of benefits?
Women indulging temporary of unmarried are eligible for maternity benefit when she is....
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